Exhibits and Other Activities
Humboldt Museum
Just above the site where thousands of wagon trains forded the Humboldt River on the long trek to California, sits the Humboldt Museum. The modern brick building mirrors its historic predecessor, a church turned museum. The campus also includes new exhibits in both the Greinstein Building, which formerly housed the Museum Thrift Shop, and the Richardson-Saunders House, an 1899 East-lake Series home. Together, the buildings house the story of the community.
Remains from the Ice Age of 13,000 years ago, wonderful beaded and quilted regalia from an American Indian collection, vintage automobiles, keepsakes from Winnemucca's "art nouveau" period and a school house scene from the early days are among the treasures awaiting your visit.
For more information, contact Dana Toth, executive director, at 775-623-2912.
Humboldt County Library Exhibits
The Humboldt County Library hosts amateur and professional exhibits of art, photography, hand crafts, textiles and the written word, on a rotating basis. These exhibits are sponsored by the Nevada Arts Council, as well as private individuals. The exhibits are showcased in the library's meeting room.
For information, please call the Library at 775-623-6388.
Shooting the West
Shooting the West is one of the premiere photography symposium in the West. Over the years, many of the biggest names in photography have shared techniques and images with three hundred enthusiastic participants. Diversity has become one of the hallmarks of the event. STW has showcased distinguished guests from the fields of photojournalism, photo-documentary, commercial, portraiture, nature, natural scene, wildlife, fine art, National Geographic, etc.
Shooting the West is also very "participant inclusive." Give It Your Best Shot is a juried show featuring participants’ work. The RANGE Outback Roundup, sponsored by RANGE Magazine, is another vehicle for participants to share their work and test the waters of editorial submissions. Friday and Saturday evening receptions and entertainment provide an opportunity to socialize — many lifetime friendships have helped to create a Shooting the West community..
Exact dates to be posted soon. Please contact Shooting the West at 775-623-3501, or shootingthewest.org for more information.